Surgell or suriel , Sarycam, Guabryza, marham. Primafacies [aries] teuer mirram. The chapters of the second worke. Sherbon marked it as to-read Apr 22, And so theire works are nought. Sabaoth, Adonay, Egge, Ya, Ya, Ye, may this creature of blood be blessed, prepared, and made apt for the ink of your holy seal, and of your most holy name, Schemhamphoras, which is blessed, world without end.
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The almost legendary reputation of this work led to the forgery of the so-called Grimoire booo Pope Honorius, a ridiculous work hinorius despised by Eliphas Levi and A. Then take frankincense and incense and cense the altar saying the first prayer, and because the holy fathers did trust in the saints that were there named, therefore they did so, and if he that shall work have more devotion to any other saints, then be there named, let hym change name for name, for faith doth always work, as I said before.
The Sworn Book of Honorius: Liber Iuratus Honorii by Joseph H. Peterson
Note the recurring sound changes: Suffumigacions of the facies of the. In occidentalii parte et in aere sunt balsamus, camphora, et olium olmarum. Note therefore that the first and chief principal or beginning is the Divine Majesty, and the true invocation must come from the very faith of the heart, the which faith the works shall declare.
Variants are of some interest.
Sworn Book of Honorious, The
honoriux And when he hath thus doone, thus lett him begyn his worke lett him take fayre clere water and colde of aspringe wherin he shall washe him selfe sayinge Invocando et orando lapdanum, white and red mastick, dominum sicut postea de visione divina olibanum margarith, and Frankincense, erudietur, Post [S: But in this work following saorn apparel is necessary, for angels do abide with men and they be clean, and therefore they desire to have clean apparel.
The names of the angels of the fifth month, called Avare these: Translation by JHP Of whom it is to be spoken among mortal men, for they will not be constrained by any artificial obok. Thimiamate for Thursday is all sweet fruits as nutmeg, cloves, the rinds of oranges and citrines, dry and powdered with such like of good odor.
Peterson Goodreads Author Translation. Qui vult ergo saluus esse 3 [31v] ita de trinitate sentiat.
[Fourth Book or Treatise.]
Interest in "The Sworn Book of Honorius" has grown in recent years, yet no modern translations have been attempted--until now. Therefore, the Christian man only works truely to boo, to the vision of the Deity, and in all other works. In tertio tempore sandalos, cassia et mirtum. Rabarmas, Iskiros, Kyrios, Gelon, Hel, christus.
Beraquiel, Manhy or AmaryaHaya, haya. Compare this exorcism with that in Scot, Discovery of Witchcraft Book 15, chapter honrius Text correction per S4. Of angels there are three kinds.

O God of sworrn mercy, I, although an unworthy sinner, full of iniquity, deceit, and malice, most humbly come to your mercy, praying and beseeching you not to have respect to all and innumerable mine iniquities, but even as you are wont to have mercy upon sinners, and to hear the prayers of the humble and meek, even so I beseech you to vouchsafe to hear me, your servant, although unworthy, yet calling unto you for the blessing and consecrating of this blood, your creature, that it may be made apt and worthy for the ink of your most precious and Holy Seal, and of your name Schemhamphorasso that it may have the aptnes and meteness which it ought to have by your most holy name, which is written with four letters, Joth, He, Vau, Daleth, Agla, Eloy, Yayin, Theos, Deus, which being heard all celestial, terrestrial, and infernal creatures do tremble, fear, and worship it.
Com added it Oct 31, These things booi I speak that the error of infidelity and the filthiness of sin being taken away, the good Holy Spirit may help me and quicken me as it doth quicken all things, and put away all mine incredulity and filthiness, Recite the petition. Home Contact us Help Free delivery worldwide.
The Sworn Book of Honorius : Liber Iuratus Honorii
A full translation and edition is now available. O the truthe the way and the lyffe of all creatures oryghtewos god quicken me and visit me and my understoudinge claryfy my soule and pourge it. Here recite the petition -- if for the [vision of the] Deity, say as follows thou wilt grant me thy holy vision through thy teh, our Lord Jesus Christ. It is however a fine example of the book publisher's craft, and has become a valuable collectable. The text was largely ignored by historians until recently, this text is an important witness to the transmission of Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism to Christian magicians.
Rothon, Lethellethe, Ysmas, Adonay, Gelemoht.
Learn about new offers and get more deals by joining our newsletter. At other spaces are to be coloured with green. Gefhggf marked it as to-read Oct 23,
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